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  • [es-pree de less-ka/-iay] (idiom) A witty remark that occurs to you too late, literally on the way down the stairs. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."


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October 29, 2006


I saw you listed on Maryam's blog, and I was really surprised to read that you're from Columbus too!

Victorian Village/Short North in the house!

Sounds like a fun weekend. You and BG were both in Columbus!

What are you going to school for? We may have discussed this and I forgot -- it's not the art class is it?

Happy Halloween!

Claire, I get tired of people dissing Ohio, too. Did you watch the Daily Show last night? They are in Ohio all week.

"Midwest Midterm Midtacular!"

Last night they were in Columbus...I think.

While it was funny and I was laughing out loud, they were still totally making fun of it.


BG, I know. It's like when someone else is making fun of your little brother. Sure it's fine if *YOU* give him a swirly, but if anyone else gives him a dirty look they've got a black eye coming their way!

I missed the Daily Show last night but saw ads for their week in Ohio.

BG, next time we'll have to coordinate our Columbus trips.

AG, I'm in a master's program in New Media Studies. Basically it's writing, communication theory and graphic design with a focus on new media technologies. It's fun.

Hi Liosliath! Yay for displaced Midwesterners!

Hey, my sister lives in Columbus... I smell an Ohio conspiracy.

Doesn't Ohio have the most natives elected president and the most genius inventors??? That's not such a bad thing. On top of it, it has/had Claire and BG and Michael Baines.

Columbus has Steve Kuusisto too! Don't forget Steve!

We moved here from northern Westchester County, NY in 2000. Columbus feels more like "home" to us than Yorktown Hts. ever did.

Claire, it's nice to "meet" you!

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